Night-time irrigation
This system exploits the night-time hours or the earliest hours of the day when evaporation is at a minimum
Borders and hedges
The maintenance or restoration of natural elements that delimit the edges of fields or the farms themselves aim to slow down the movements of water from the soil to bodies of water and reduce erosion caused by water and wind.
Windbreakers or living windbreakers or tree cover is usually made up of perennial trees or shrubs set out into “rows”, especially on windward boundaries with the aim of protecting crops from the wind.
Ash obtained from lignocellulosic organic residues is a soil improver that is very rich in nutrients.
Use of rock flour
Volcanic rock flour is an excellent soil amendment since it encourages ideal soil porosity.
Use of manure
Stable or cowshed manure is obtained from the solid and liquid excrement of stabled animals, mixed with various other types of materials…
Digestate use
Digestate is an agricultural amendment which improves the physical and chemical properties of the soil.
Use of slurry with eco-sustainable practices (injected into the ground)
The use of slurry in agricultural terrain is highly important from the standpoint of a circular economy.
Compost is an amendment that derives from the bio-oxidation and humification of a mixture of organic materials
Crop rotation
Rotation is the cultivation of different crops in the same field in successive growing seasons.