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We involve farmers and producers’ organisations in transferring knowledge. We assess costs and benefits and define proper tools to support strong adaptation paths.

Knowledge transfer to farmers and producers’ organisations of the three agricultural supply chains in Emilia-Romagna to better understand the risks and processes that will facilitate climate adaptation, maintaining quality requirements.

Assessment aimed at:

  • Defining the content of the adaptation action plans (AAP and SCAAP) created respectively by individual farmers and producers’ organisations;
  • Set up and test a BETA version of the ADA tool;
  • Organise field visits to provide support to farmers and producers’ organisations to define adaptation plans (AAP and SCAAP);
  • Set up the final version of the ADA tool on the basis of tests and inspections.

Development of regional adaptation strategy and risk mitigation for the farming sector, define guidelines and intervention measures, including at a political level

Cost-benefit analysis of the adaptation measures and identification of tools and incentives designed to support farmers in their adaptation process