Night-time irrigation

This system exploits the night-time hours or the earliest hours of the day when evaporation is at a minimum

Under-canopy micro spraying

It is the irrigation method, partly different from the drop, because while maintaining a distributing wing along each row, it uses micro or mini-sprinklers.

Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation is an irrigation method that slowly applies water to plants, both depositing water on the surface of the ground surrounding the plant or directly onto the root area.

Anti-insect nets

The practice consists of covering the fruit-farm with a mesh that is more tightly weaved than the classic hail-proof net in order to isolate it from external insect attacks (especially frugivores)

Anti-hail nets

Anti-hail nets are currently the only method of active protection effective against hail.

Borders and hedges

The maintenance or restoration of natural elements that delimit the edges of fields or the farms themselves aim to slow down the movements of water from the soil to bodies of water and reduce erosion caused by water and wind.


Windbreakers or living windbreakers or tree cover is usually made up of perennial trees or shrubs set out into “rows”, especially on windward boundaries with the aim of protecting crops from the wind.